29 August 2015

A Photo Competition

As I explained in my first post, my desire to get involved more thoroughly into photography originates in a slightly foolish photo competition with a friend of mine (who happens to own the very same camera as mine, by the way). At that time, I had not bought my Sony camera yet, so I must say I entered the competition with some technical handicap :-)

Anyway, this crazy contest turned out to be a real fun: I went everywhere around seeking inspiration, and doing so I discovered a lot of beautiful places. Nothing is more thrilling than watching around you, eyes wide open, with flared nostrils and alert ears, waiting for a fish to bite your camera-hook!

First topics were: 'childhood', 'water', and 'waiting'. Then we concluded that this was a bit too restraining and thus decided to explore places instead: Montmartre, the 13th and 2nd arrondissements. 

Here are some photos about childhood, the very first theme we had chosen: I could not help but draw suns and houses on the concrete ground with colored chalks...

Yellow chalk
A yellow sun shining on a bridge parapet

Colored chalk
Having fun with colors

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