30 December 2017

Highlights on leaves

Even where there are no insects or flowers to photograph, aren't those leaves beautiful enough to bring some interest to such a sad season as Winter?

Handful of light
Handful of light

Urticating droplet
Urticating droplet


23 December 2017

Leaf bokeh

Another attempt at picturing leaf details :-)

White spots
White spots

Hide and seek
Hide and seek

So many details
So many details

17 December 2017

10 December 2017

Beautiful Nature

Some plants having recently caught my eyes :-D

Still growing
Still growing

Vegetal twins
Vegetal twins

Purple buds
Purple buds

9 December 2017

Vegetal circles

A delicate leaf wrapping a spot of light, wired vine-like plants :-)

Supporting light
Supporting light

Rolled around
Rolled around

Tight hug
Tight hug

3 December 2017

Tiny snails

So tiny they were truly difficult to spot :-)

Happy meal
Happy meal
Little buddy
Little buddy