13 September 2015

Bokeh effect

There is something I have been eagerly wanting to learn and apply, and that is the bokeh effect. I'm totally enthusiastic about the way it turns street lights into big colorful circles :-)

So far I have tried two 'types' of bokeh (not sure one can call that different sorts of bokeh though): the one that only makes the background go blurry (focus on a close object) and the nothing-on-focus one, which gives a completely aberrant picture where any point of light in the scenery is distorted into a shining ring. I terribly love the latter!

To me the most difficult part is always finding creative ideas for light sources, so that the bokeh could really enhance the photo. Fortunately enough, my photography sensei had been coming along to teach me the basics and provide me with some very useful advice...

Here are my first few tries, more will follow!

Street lights at night
Street lights at night

A grasshopper in a clearing

Bees on purple flower
Busy on a buddleia

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