One would say I'm not a biologist/agronomist for nothing, as I'm always taking photos of flowers and insects. In fact, I've grown up in quite a small village (rather a hamlet), and have always been surrounded with nature: as far as I can remember, running in fields and climbing trees, playing in mud or puddles or small streams and eating wild fruits on every tree/bush has been my childhood daily life. Even now, I just can't get rid of my old over-excitement at the sight of wild and deserted landscapes.
I've been living in the Paris area for about 4 or 5 years by now, and somehow I have been missing countryside a lot. So when my friend told me a few months ago 'let's visit forests some day', I felt very enthusiastic about it!
My first expedition was in Fontainebleau forest (a really beautiful one) but at that time I didn't own my Sony camera yet and only used my compact one. But I will remember that trip for a very long time: my friend and I were walking under the trees in the forest, looking for some inspiration, when suddenly a huge quantity of cockchafers went flying/falling on us. For some seconds we were totally panicked (it was nothing pleasant really...) but acknowledging there was no danger, we took advantage of this and gathered photos of those bizarre-behaving insects :-)
Next I discovered St-Germain forest. No cockchafers this time, but I found the view below absolutely amazing and there were lots of insects flying over flowers bushes. Soooo... I collected quite a few pictures - I should really get a macro lens though!

Bee on a thistle

Beetle on the way

Flirting wasps
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