The wild carrot is usually home to a huge variety of insects (bugs, beetles, even spiders...) and the white color of its flowers makes it very easy to detect them - simply put, a very good spot for insect photography in Summer :-)
Have you ever noticed the little pink or dark bit which appears sometimes at the middle of the flower? I have been wandering through the countryside for years and honestly only discovered it now (the macro lens surely helped ^^).
The carrot plant is also called Queen Anne's lace, because of the flower resembling lace - this pink center part supposedly being a droplet of blood from the Queen's finger after she pricked it on a needle while making the lace... In a more scientific style, it turns out that it attracts bees and other pollinators: the dark spot poses as a fake insect already happily resting on the plant (Nature does things well :-D)
Pink center
Striped wings
Patch of color